Podium Presentation
Wednesday, February 19
Title: Ultra-Sensitive MRD utilization to overcome challenges in Early-Stage Cancer recurrence detection
- NeXT Personal is an advanced tumor-informed liquid biopsy assay with ultra-sensitive detection down to 1PPM
- Ultrasensitive detection with this bespoke whole genome sequencing based assay improves detection of ctDNA at baseline and during follow-up with increased lead time over clinical relapse
- Clinical studies in early-stage lung and breast cancer establish that NeXT Personal MRD detection is strongly correlated with patient outcome.
Track: Clinical Development and Commercialization
Session: Leveraging Liquid Biopsies to Optimize Clinical Trial Design for Better Dosage Regimes & Enhanced Patient Selection
Location/Time: TBA / 3:00PM – 3:30PM (PST)
About the Presenter:
Kate Cunningham, MS PhD, is a Field Applications Scientist at Personalis. She has 10 years of experience supporting Next Generation Sequencing reagents, services, and automation. She received her MS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Iowa, and her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology at Medical University of South Carolina.